ADUs ( Accessory Dwelling Unit)
Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) are small living or working spaces on the same property as, your home. a separate unit on the same land lot. An ADU can be a stand-alone structure on your property. Find out more information on ADUs from your local building municipality.
ADUs meet the need for extra space to accommodate houseguests, home offices or hobby studios and are also known as granny flats, in-law suites or garden cottages. These innovative space ideas have become popular for two reasons:
Older family members who need more care or young adults who are not quite ready to leave the nest.
More private and separate workspaces now that working virtually caused by the coronavirus pandemic has increased the necessity to work from home.
Types of ADUs
Freestanding ADUs or Functional Tiny Spaces
Backyard cottages, mother-in-law suites, and granny pods. What all these have in common is that they stand alone, separate from the main house.
Benefits of ADU Housing
ADUs help homeowners create more flexible living spaces with benefits such as;
Space Stretching
Rather than cram multiple purposes into one room, ADUs can provide needed space flexibility at a reasonable cost.
Position the ADU where it makes the most sense on your property for utility connections and parking. Whether this is a home based business or private residence you can also move it around for the seasonal change. If you decide to move elsewhere take it with you!!
Family Peace and Harmony
Is your adult child returning to the nest because if student loans or lack of employment opportunities? Would welcoming your aging parent alleviate some of your worries and provide more security and financial stability for your parent? ADUs may be a good solution for managing a multigenerational household while providing everyone some space and privacy.
Constructing an ADU with COOL TINY HOMES will be less expensive than the cost of new construction or moving to a larger home.